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How long is delivery time of brown paper gift bags ?
The specific delivery time depends on elements such as order quantities, customization requirements, destination, etc. Product delivery speed and reliability are important weapons Hangzhou Kuoshi Imp&Exp Co.,LTD. uses to stay ahead of the competition. We are always able to meet the promised delivery date as a result of keeping track of purchase orders, stock levels, sales data, and carrying costs. And with years of foreign trade, we can handle the customs declaration process smoothly and timely arrange local transportation to ensure on-time delivery for customer’s shipment.
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With increasing expanded markets, the current major focuses of Kuoshi are R&D, design, manufacturing, and overseas marketing of non woven fabric bags. The cotton mesh bag series has become a hot product of Kuoshi. The production process is improved for providing quality guarantee. This product is perfect for promotional uses. The product has a fast response time, which can be lighted up very quickly and can achieve full brightness under a microsecond. The product is distinguished by its excellent water resistance.
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Corporate culture is the first resource of KUOSHI that always keeps it passionate. Welcome to visit our factory!

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